About this site

This site is a bit of a hobby for me and has been incrementally and evolutionarily improved over the years into what you see today.

It is coded by hand in a variety of editors using PHP and XHTML. Images have been prepared using a combination of the excellent Inkscape and the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).

Header photos

Photography is quite a keen hobby of ours so most of the header photos used on this site are taken by ourselves. There are a few exceptions which are available in the public domain and these are credited below.

Site map header The header image for the site map page is from an historical map detailing the extent of William the Conqueror's dominion in 1077 (from Wikimedia Commons).
JOGTOLE header The header image for the JOGTOLE page is from a NASA satellite map of Europe (from Wikimedia Commons).
404 error header If you have tried to access a page which doesn't exist then you will have seen the HTTP 404 error page. The blue stars are those within our own galaxy and other points of light are more distant objects in other galaxies. (NASA Spitzer Space Telescope Collection).
Publications header The header image for the publications page is from an picture of old books in Merton College library in Oxford (from Wikimedia Commons).